Web Design Wexford

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No1 SEO Ireland Search Engine Rankings

 April 26, 2015 James McCarthy  No1 SEO Ireland Search Engine Rankings No1 SEO Ireland’s Search Engine Rankings speak for themselves. Our website is itself placed in this category as its own search rankings are quite impressive. Using a mixture of  Onsite Optimisation, Backlinks, and Social Media platforms –  Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Linkedin we have dramatically increased the business’s online presence

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I’ve already got a Website. Why would I need to do anything more?

 July 27, 2015 James McCarthy If the question above is what you ask yourself as a business, then the question is WRONG.  The two questions you should be asking yourself are firstly: ” Is my website an Internet business success?” And secondly:  ” How can I improve it’s performance so that it does become an Internet business

I’ve already got a Website. Why would I need to do anything more? Read More »


SEO Backlinks Analysis

 August 27, 2015 James McCarthy   Backlinks have gotten a bad name over the last couple of years due to the fact that they are the most common type of Black Hat SEO.  At one stage most SEO campaigns revolved around creating a large number of backlinks. Those days are pretty much behind us. For people who work hard at creating easy

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