If the question above is what you ask yourself as a business, then the question is WRONG. The two questions you should be asking yourself are firstly: ” Is my website an Internet business success?”
And secondly: ” How can I improve it’s performance so that it does become an Internet business success?”
Most businesses see the need for regular advertising and promotions when it comes to advertising on radio, newspaper or TV, but when it comes to their own websites they seem to have a blind spot. This is because they have ALWAYS used the former kinds of advertising, whereas for them the internet is unknown territory. They know a website is necessary because everyone has told them they need one, but after that in many cases, they do not have enough information to undertake the next steps so they can get the benefits of online advertising.
The main benefits of online advertising are :
- A vastly larger pool of potential clients.
- Generally cheaper than other forms of advertising
- No limit on your sales message, as with radio, newspapers or TV. Show off your products or services in the best possible way.
- International Advertising as well as national
Several times I have tried to get business people to realize that by spending some of their present advertising budgets on their internet presence, they could vastly improve the number of potential customers they are reaching. Just by having a stylish engaging website with regular SEO services such as onsite optimisation they could vastly increase their business. The fact that it is cheaper than radio and newspaper advertising is also a massive plus.
Internet Business Success
A quick to-do list for your website in order to be successful :
- Mobile Friendly Responsive website
- Regular website maintenance
- Engaging informative Content
- Fully SEO Optimised website, both audience and location-targeted.
- Social Media Presence (active! not just sitting there!)
- Correct website hosting
There are many more little things you can do to ensure your internet business success but the 6 points above will get you well established and in many cases get you the rankings you need to rapidly grow your business online.
If you would like a free website analysis then you can contact us through my website No1 SEO Ireland
Email me at james@no1seoireland.ie or call at 089 479 9227