Many moons ago I wrote about how the SEO Service – Onsite Optimisation – had dramatically improved the rankings of one of our old eC0mmerce clients. These were an old client of mine who obtained No1 SEO Ireland’s SEO Services for a couple of months. Their rankings increased dramatically and as you can see here from my previous post that the amount of traffic going to their site rose by almost 400 %. At that time they decided that they no longer needed our SEO services so canceled them.
As is normal with SEO when done properly, for a couple of months afterward website traffic still increased; and then it began to drop and today the amount has nearly returned to where it once was. One of the images I try to give people who are pondering the question above
‘SEO Services Once Off Service or Monthly SEO Package?’
is that of putting petrol in their car. You would not expect a car to keep going once the petrol has run out, no matter how economical it is! For the best results with SEO, it is best ‘to keep topping up the engine!’
Monthly SEO Package More than Pays for Itself
Billet Wheel Adapters may have thought they were being shrewd by getting rid of an unnecessary expense, but instead of their sales continuing to rise they simply vanished slowly from the marketplace. There are very few businesses that can survive without advertising of one sort or another, so it is as well to think of your monthly SEO package in the same way. Most businesses will be unable to find a form of advertising as economical and with such a good return as a monthly SEO package.
If you would like to talk to No1 SEO Ireland about obtaining an SEO package then you can contact us here or call us on 089 479 9227